Frequently Asked Questions
Need to Know
Got questions? We’ve got answers. Learn all about our facility and why we’re the right one for you. We have collected some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive below. We’ve tried to provide the best answers, but if there is something that we missed, please reach out and a member of our staff will get in touch with you!

Do you offer a trial membership?
New members can attend a few sessions before deciding to stay with us. Members pay a monthly fee of £20 pcm which is discounted for senior citizens and students. The fees are used to pay for insurance, BDA fees, boat maintenance etc. The Annual General Meeting will allow any paying team member to have full visibility of the club accounts. Once you have decided to join the club we ask you to do the following 3 simple steps……….
Provide Committee Member with your Full Name, Mobile Number and preferred email address. We use this to add you to our Whats App and Teamers groups.
Set up an account on the BDA membership website (free of charge), make sure you assign yourself to Bristol Empire Dragons. When you have done this please notify Lee and/or James. We use this as our official database for club members so we know how many we paddlers we have in the club. If you choose to race in the national race series, then you will have to pay a £35 annual membership which covers the associated costs of insurance whilst racing https://bda.justgo.com/Workbench.mvc/Show/8
Set up your payment to BED…

Are Children Allowed On The Boat?
Subject to the crew members on the boat, in terms of experience, then we do allow children on the boat. They can either be seated on one of the two seat rows on boat or can try the drums, seated on the front of the boat. We provide life jackets for all sizes. This means that childcare issues doesn't mean you cannot come along to a training session. There is plenty of wildlife to see on the River Avon and there is always something to see and hear.

Our 2022 Paddle for Ukraine Charity Fundraiser and Family Day
Are you a Social Club?
The Bristol Empire Dragons team is a great place to make new friends and socialise. Some of the activities we arrange outside of training include fun summer race days and BBQs at the club, paddles around Bristol Harbourside, drinks at the pub, gigs, and of course, a Christmas party. We are an inclusive club and family and friends are encouraged to join in. For those that wish to take part, we also travel around the UK and abroad to compete at official and fun events.

What Should I Wear?
For racing events we ask paddlers to wear the club kit. This is ordered a number of times each year by Tina. Curtis. She will post on WhatsApp when she is putting an order together. Please note that no equipment is needed, you can use the clubs paddles and life jackets. We just ask that all crew wear a club vest at race events. For normal training sessions, please just wear loose fitting clothing as if you were going to a gym or exercise class. We do train throughout the winter so water proof clothing, layers and appropriate gloves are recommended.